Horror Scene Analysis

The scene I have chosen is in It where Beverly is alone in Pennywise’s ‘lair’. The scene begins with a dutch angle which gives the audience the same amount of discomfort as the character is feeling, it then cuts to a birds eye view of the location she is in showing how small and alone she is. Suspenseful music begins to play as she realises her surroundings making the audience feel as though something is about to happen. The camera then pans up with the music getting louder showing a tower of floating dead bodies and then Beverly trying to run away. When realising she can’t escape the jack in the box begins playing creepy music on its own building up more suspense, when it suddenly cuts to a box opening with fireworks and Pennywise dancing. The camera then shows a possible escape route for Beverly and as she tries to run for it Pennywise catches her and the camera goes to a low angle when he has hold of her to give the effect that he is bigger and much more powerful than she is.

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